Feb 20, 2007


Erm, holy crap. Either I need to stop eating chili and cheese right before bed, or not sleep in until 10 in the morning.
It's scary stuff- and so real at the time. I'm not sure which came first, but two rather creepy dreams from last night stick in my mind.

Dream 1: Jungle Boy

Factoid 1. I've never read the Lord of the Flies.
Factoid 2. I have no fantasies of being some sort of half-naked Mowgli warrior traipsing through the jungle, fighting (or, in my case, running for my life) against Evil, Inc, who evidently wishes to enslave 'my people'- whom I've never met before.
Factoid 3. I was glad when I woke up.

Dream 2: Florence Nightingale

This is honestly probably the wierdest dream I've ever had. Ever. Not merely because of the situation portayed within, but because it had a moral.

Once again, I was fleeing. From what, I don't know-it was more in the vague sense that 'someone was coming'. This time I wasn't alone. For whatever reason, my subconcious picked a female friend of mine to accompany me on my journey.
We were at some pivotal plot point, about to confront the bad guy or whatever- and she was suddenly hit by a stroke. Or something. Anyways, I suddenly had a sidekick to help myself and my now-unconcious comrade to safety.

The rest of the dream was spent trying to get this unfortunate girl to some sort of medical facility, alive. For whatever reason, she was suddenly fine- but more attacks were imminent- and I was petrified for her life. Without a doubt, one of the most terrifying things I've ever experienced.

I seem to recall playing paramedic on a helicopter at some point in all of this. It's rather fuzzy.

We're not terribly close, but I think I'm going to give that friendship some more respect than I have thus far. I'm definately shaken, to say the least.

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